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This codebase define global method for interacting with user using notification, dialog, toast, and even snackbar.


To display notification, call this method anywhere you have Context:

    Variables.Main_CHANNEL,  // Channel Id when you're using it
    "Useful title",  // Title for your notification
    "Is this working?",  // Message body of your notification
    R.mipmap.ic_launcher,  // Override the icon for your notification
    notificationIntent  // Pending intent when your notification clicked!


To display dialog, call this method anywhere you have Context:

    "Warning!",  // title for your dialog
    "The latest star wars trilogy is trash!",  // message of your dialog
    Pair("Okay?"){ startOver() },  // Pair of positive button text and action
    Pair("Not Okay!"){ cryAllNight() }, // Pair of negative button text and action, nullable if not needed
    false,  // Does your dialog autoDismissable?


To display snackBar, call this method anywhere you have CoordinatorLayout:

    "Do you want to close the app?",  // message inside your snackBar
    true,  // does your snackBar for a long time?
    Pair("yes") { closeApp() } // action for your snackBar, nullable if not needed


To display toast, call this method anywhere you have Context:

    "Alert! intruder inside",   // message inside your toast
    false  // does your toast for a long time?